Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer

In Colorado, texting while driving is illegal for all drivers according to state law. Despite the fact that drivers can face hefty fines for violating these laws, many motorists still choose to text while driving, which intentionally creates a distraction that pulls their focus from the road and, consequently, increases the chances they will be involved in car accidents.
When drivers choose to text while driving and this reckless choice results in car accidents:
These drivers can be held liable for victims’ injuries and losses.
Injured people can trust the Littleton car accident attorneys at the Law Office of Littleton Lawyers™ to help them get the full amount of compensation they deserve.

The Prevalence and Dangers of Texting While Driving

Texting while driving – or driving while intexticated – is a growing problem in the U.S., as the following texting while driving statistics highlight. These statistics have been compiled and presented by various reputable sources, including the Department of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the National Safety Council and the Institute for Highway Safety Fatality Facts.
As many as 800,000 motorists in the U.S. are texting while driving at any given point during the daytime.
Texting while driving contributes to as many as 1.6 million motor vehicle accidents every year in the U.S. (or roughly 23 percent of all traffic accidents annually).
Motorists who text while driving are up to 23 times more likely to get into car accidents than drivers who put down their cellphones while they are behind the wheel.
Texting while driving is about 6 times more likely than drunk driving to result in a traffic accident.
The risks associated with texting while driving have been likened to:
Driving blind for 5 seconds
Driving after having consumed 4 cocktails
Drivers who are younger than 20 years old are the most likely to be distracted while driving, and the use of cellphones while driving reportedly plays a role in more than 20 percent of the motor vehicle accidents caused by these younger, less experienced motorists.

Let’s Talk about Your Rights – Contact Us for a Free Consult

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, the distracted driving accident lawyer at the Littleton Law Office of Littleton Lawyers™ urge you to get more information about your potential case and rights by meeting with us for a free, no obligations initial consult. To set up a meeting, call us at (303) 562-1507 or email us using the form on this page.
Since 1983, our car accident law firm has been have been fighting on behalf of injured people and aggressively standing up against injustice, inequality and intolerance. When accident victims trust us with their important legal matters, they can count on the fact that we will be committed to:
Fiercely defending their rights
Helping them hold the negligent drivers responsible
Providing them with exceptional personal service and the highest quality legal representation
Getting them the highest possible awards for their injuries and losses.
We represent clients throughout Colorado from our law offices in Littleton, including in the Denver Metro Area, Arapahoe County, Adams County, Jefferson County and in the cities of Lakewood, Highlands Ranch, Lonetree, Castlerock, Westminster, Centennial and Aurora.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident call us for a free case evaluation. (303) 562-1507.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Colorado, victims of distracted driving accidents may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. An attorney can help you navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies to secure a fair settlement.
Key evidence in a texting while driving case includes phone records, eyewitness testimony, and accident reconstruction reports. This evidence can demonstrate that the driver was distracted and thus liable for the accident.
Consulting with a lawyer ensures you understand your rights and the legal processes involved. An attorney can help gather evidence, handle negotiations, and represent your interests to maximize your compensation. To explore your case, reach out to Littleton Lawyers.

Additional Information in Littleton, CO

Colorado Department of Transportation - Distracted Driving: This page provides comprehensive information on the dangers of distracted driving in Colorado, including statistics, safety campaigns, and state laws. It also offers resources for educators and parents to help promote safe driving habits and prevent accidents caused by distractions such as texting.
National Safety Council - Distracted Driving: The National Safety Council offers a detailed look at the risks associated with distracted driving, including real-life stories, prevention tips, and policy recommendations. This resource is valuable for drivers in Littleton who want to understand the broader impact of distracted driving and how to stay safe on the road.
Cell Phone Use and Crash Risk Study: This document from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety presents findings on the increased risk of car crashes associated with cell phone use while driving. The study explores the impact of both handheld and hands-free device use on driver attention and accident rates, providing critical insights into the dangers of distracted driving.

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